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juny 2022 |
ABTL0812 enhances antitumor effect of paclitaxel and reverts chemoresistance in triple-negative breast cancer models |
Polonio Alcalá, Emma
; Solé-Sánchez, Sònia
; Muñoz-Guardiola, Pau
; Megías-Roda, Elisabet
; Perez-Montoyo, Héctor
; Yeste-Velasco, Marc
; Alfón, Jose
; Lizcano, Jose Miguel
; Domènech, Carles
; Ruiz Martínez, Santiago
; Puig i Miquel, Teresa
novembre 2020 |
Assessment of IORT application in early stage breast cancer surgery: a cross-sectional study |
Aissati El Bouchti, Amina
gener 2022 |
Clinical application of indocyanine green angiography in patients with early stage breast cancer undergoing mastectomy and reconstruction with autologous tissue |
Brunet Torres, Clàudia
setembre 2022 |
Fabricació de scaffolds per al cultiu cel·lular de cèl·lules canceroses per a la formació de tumoroids |
Cornellà i Llorens, Gerard
2021 |
Necessitats de les dones amb càncer de mama finalitzada la fase aguda del tractament: projecte de recerca qualitatiu |
Garcia Canovas, Marta
novembre 2021 |
Prophylactic external radiotherapy versus screening strategy in women with BRCA 1/2 mutation: a multicenter, randomized, open-labelled clinical trial |
Baltà Salvador, Jana
gener 2017 |
Sensitivity and specificity of fine needle aspiration guided by ultrasounds to detect the sentinel lymph node. Its impact in axillary treatment of breast cancer: cross sectional study |
Barahona San Millán, Elisabet
Sensitivity and specificity of fine needle aspiration guided by ultrasounds to detect the sentinel lymph node. Its impact in axillary treatment of breast cancer: cross sectional study |
Barahona San Millán, Elisabet
juny 2022 |
Tumor-on-a-chip: new strategies of in-vitro cancer cell culture |
Cànaves Llabrés, Antoni Ignasi